
Physical Setting

This section present the different element of physical lore of the world of Kunsan.

Sun  trajectory in the sky along the 6 days of the week

  • Kunsan has no moon but the starlight intensity is similar to the Earth's full moon.
  • There is no North/South/East/Ouest, the Mountain being visible from mostly anywhere, the directions are: to the Mountain, back from the Mountain, left of the Mountain (while looking at it) and right of the Mountain.
  • A day corresponds to 24h: 12 hours during which the sun rises and sets, and 12 hours for the night. The lengths of the daylight and nighttime do not change through the year.
  • A week is 6 days (see link below for a interesting implementation of 6-day week on Earth1)). Each day the sunset and sunrise positions in the horizon are shift by 1/6 turn, so in one week they retrieve their initial position. The sunrise and sunset are always at the same time of the day.
  • A year is divided in 12 months of 5 weeks, regrouped in 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
  • A year is 360 days, or 60 weeks, or 12 months, or 4 seasons. The year start at the morrow of the coldest day, day four of the 8th week of winter.
  • start/setting/physical_setting.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/07/31 18:47
  • by aretis