

Æons are godlike sentient beings born from the living beings' faith. The first letter of their name is in bold capital.

Their pronoun is æ1) which is pronounced /æ/ like in cat or hat. As an example, instead of it as in:

it is laughing - I called it - its eyes gleam - that is its - it likes itself;

you use:

æ is laughing - I called æ - æs eyes gleam - that is æs - æ likes æself.

  • They do not lie to you, Faith comes from truth
  • They see you as you are
  • They can only act on the world trough you
  • They need your faith
  • They cannot do everything, they do not know everything but they can be everywhere
  • They will help you if your faith is strong enough

The 12 Major Æons are listed in order of their corresponding month in the calendar, it is not a power ranking.

Month Names Race dominance Mantra Feeling
1 Growth/Life Gnome With time and dedication everything can be better. Alive
2 Proactivity/Valor/Strength Gnome Do it yourself! Vigor
3 Knowledge/Discovery Human With knowledge comes understanding and with understanding comes control and peace. Curious
4 Liberty/Freedom Human Write your own path! Free
5 Nature Orc Nature provides everything, take care of it and it will take care of you. Fresh
6 Passion/Pleasure/Bliss Orc Only what you feel is true. Pleasant
7 Balance/Justice/Equity Elf Everything has a cost. Everything has a reward. Safe
8 Compassion/Benevolence/Altruism Troll Help others when they need it and they will help you when you need it. Empathy
9 Bonding/Unity/Connection Troll Whatever you do for yourself dies with you, memories you forged in others live on. Love
10 Destiny/Fate Dwarf Each one has a destiny to fulfill, you just need to follow it. Purpose
11 Perfection/Beauty Dwarf Through true perfection you will find eternity. Beauty
12 Serenity/Composure Elf You have no control over your emotions. Feel them, understand them, and let them go. Serenity

1)|Third person pronoun gender-neutral in English
  • start/setting/aeons.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/23 16:22
  • by aretis