
One Turn Training

When the characters are left with idle time (at least three quarters) they can decide to train. This takes the form of a Poker Dice.

  • Given the current mastery, the figures have different reward
  • The first throw cost 3 quarters and the equivalent of Energy
  • A character can continue their training by re-throwing another time at the cost of one quarter and the equivalent energy
  • Strength: 2 Energy per quarter
  • Agility: 1 Energy per quarter
  • Perception: 1 Energy per quarter
  • Will: 1 Energy per quarter, best with someone else (take the best of all the throws)
  • Focus: 2 Energy per quarter
  • Stamina: 3 Energy per quarter
  • Weapon Fighting: 1-2 Energy per quarter, best with someone else (take the best of all the throws)
  • Civil Mastery: ?

One Week Training

  1. Choose 4 characteristics (you can choose the same several times) and 2 relationships
  2. Throw 6 Die 6
  3. Assign the dice to the characteristics and relationships (you can assign several dice to the same test)
  4. You get points given the following table:1
Current level Minimal Score to reach Bonus Threshold
0 1 2
1 1 3
2 2 4
3 2 5
4 3 6
5 4 8
6 5 10
7 6 12
8 7 14
9 8 16
  • start/rpg/training.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/27 18:02
  • by aretis