

A character can have one or several weapon masteries. The efficiency of each weapon to cut, pierce, crush and parry are represented as good, fair or bad.

Weapon Cut Pierce Crush Defense Comment
Sword good fair bad good Balanced weapon
Dagger good good bad bad Light weapon for stealth, very close combat (favored by Gnomes)
Axe good bad bad bad Heavy offensive weapon to cut trough your opponent
Mace bad bad good bad Heavy offensive weapon to crush your opponent
Staff bad bad good good Balanced defensive weapon, perfect for one vs many
Polearms bad good fair fair Long range close combat weapon
Bare Hand bad bad fair bad useful when you loose your weapon
Shield bad bad fair good Defensive purpose
Bow bad good bad bad Distance weapon which rely on Strength but quicker
Crossbow bad good bad bad Distance weapon for those who don't want to rely on their Strength but slower

Each weapon has a minimal amount of Strength required to use it without malus.

  • -1: -1 Attack/Defense and -1 damage
  • -2: -3 Attack/Defense and -2 damage
  • -3: -5 Attack/Defense and -3 damage
  • -4: -10 Attack/Defense and -4 damage
  • -5: -20 Attack/Defense and -5 damage
  • < -5: cannot hold the weapon

Each point of Strength exceeding this limit will grant additional damage up to the weapon limit bonus damage (halved for one hand weapons).

For hardcore players, after a combat, each point of Strength exceeding the weapon's maximal limit (bonus damage) forces the player to throw a D10, a 10 means that the weapon has broken.

Close combat weapons are separated in three reaches: short, standard and great. This only means that a greater reach weapon can strike a shorter type weapon without risking counter-attack.

A character can throw a weapon at max 2Strength meters.

A bow/crossbow distance depends on the type of bow and the character Strength.

One-hand weapons only benefit from half the Strength for damage bonus.

Two-hand weapons benefit from all the Strength for damage bonus.

Two one-hand weapons require more Agility (-1Attack first hand and -3Attack second hand). You realize one combat test for each weapon.

With a Light weapon a character can follow a successful attack with bonus attacks which require new Attack test and do not create new Defense tests for the defender.

Heavy weapons benefit more from Strength.

A Light weapon attacks before a Balanced weapon which attacks before a Heavy weapon.

A melee weapon mastery cannot be superior to 2 plus the mastery of Strength or Agility.

A distance weapon mastery cannot be superior to 2 plus the mastery of Perception or Agility.

A character having mastered a weapon (at any rank) knows the way of fighting and can learn a new mastery twice as quickly (up to the current max mastery).

For each type of weapon, the character develops a mastery that grants them default bonuses and specific bonuses (specific to each weapon type).

title rank Xp Two weapons fight malus Bonus
Novice 1-2 1-5 -1/-3 Knows from with which end to hold the weapon
Initiate 3-4 6-14 -1/-2 Knows from with which end to strike the opponent
Apprentice 5-6 15-27 0/-2 Never lose their weapon by mistake
Adept 7-8 28-44 0/-1 Can disarm
Expert 9 45-54 0/0 Cannot be disarmed
Master ​ 10 55 0/0 ??
Price Weight1) Strength bonus damage Will Attack/Defense2) Damage Chance
Trash -50% +1 -1 -1 -1 -25% 1000-701
Used -25% -25% 700-501
Common 500-101
Uncommon x2 -1 +1 +1 +1 +25% 100-011
Epic x5 -2 +2 +2 +2 +50% 011-002
Legendary x20 -3 +3 +3 +3 x2 001

minimum 0.5 for Light weapons, 1 for Balanced weapons and 2 for Heavy weapons
if the weapon already gives Defense
  • start/rpg/items_services/weapons.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/11/06 18:30
  • by aretis