

Their exist 4 types of armor:

  • Thick fabric: cheap, light but doesn't offer much protection
  • Leather: base armor for any adventurer
  • Mail: offer good protection but is heavy and a bit cumbersome
  • Plate: expensive stuff, better weight distribution than mail1), best protection

And 4 slots:

  • Head
  • Torso
  • Arms
  • Legs

An armor allows the bearer to increase their Defense, poise and to reduce the damage at the cost to reduce its own durability. When the armor has no more durability you loose its bonuses and must mend it to regain them. Wearing a complete set of armor of the same type also grant a set bonus.

The major penalty of having an armor is its cost (to buy and to mend). Heavier armor also reduce the Agility (as it directly increases the Defense the bearer should always gain something from wearing an armor). Heavier armor require a minimal amount of Strength for the bearer to not have Energy penalty.

Gnome's armor require less materials but their confection is harder so the price stay the same. The weight is reduced by two and so is the durability.

Troll's armor require more materials, the price and weight requirement are increased by 50%, the durability is doubled.

Dwarves, Elves and Humans can wear the same outfits.

Slot Protection Durability Price Weight Defense Poise Agility
torso 1 25 2s 1
arms 1 10 1s 0
legs 1 15 2s 0
set bonus 1 1 1
total 4 50 5s 1 1 1
Slot Protection Durability Price Weight Defense Poise Agility
head 1 10 5s 0
torso 2 40 25s 2 -1
arms 1 20 10s 0 1
legs 2 30 20s 1 1
set bonus 2 1 1
total 8 100 1g 3 2 2 -1
Slot Protection Durability Price Weight Defense Poise Agility
head 2 20 20s 0
torso 3 65 4g 3 -1
arms 2 25 40s 1 2 -1
legs 3 40 3g 2 2
set bonus 3 1 1
total 13 150 7g 6 3 3 -2
Slot Protection Durability Price Weight Defense Poise Agility
head 3 30 3g 2
torso 5 80 15g 6 -1
arms 3 40 5g 3 3 -1
legs 4 50 10g 4 3 -1
set bonus 5 -5 1 1
total 20 200 30g 10 4 4 -3
Durability Price Weight Will Additional Effect Chance
Trash -50% (max) -75% +25% -1 -1 (poise or Defense or protection) 1000-701
Used -X% -X% 700-501
Common 500-101
Uncommon +50% x2 -25% +1 +1 (poise or Defense or protection) 100-011
Epic x2 x5 -50% +2 +2 (poise or Defense or protection) and no Agility penalty 011-002
Legendary x5 x20 -75% +3 +3 (poise or Defense or protection) and no Agility and weight penalty 001

  • start/rpg/items_services/armor.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/11/09 15:49
  • by aretis