
RPG Combat Rules

Combat takes place in round of 5s where all character act at the same time. Before each round each player must choose what they will do between attacking, defending and/or moving, or fleeing.

(beta) Each character start the combat with a certain amount of poise, each successful attack/defense makes you regain poise while any failed attack/defense makes you loose poise. At zero, the character loose their footing and fall, and thus become an easy target as it cannot defend or attack for at least one turn and must succeed an Agility test to regain footing.


  • In this stance the character try to attack their target(s). The player decide which type of attack and the target(s). During the attack phase, the player realizes a combat test against each one of their target(s). In this stance the character does not defend itself against attack and will thus sustain any successful attacks of their opponents.


  • In this stance the character is waiting for their opponent(s) to do a mistake or for their allies to place themselves to perform a group attack. They will automatically defend against all frontal attacks (or decide to defend one lateral side). If the opponent fails their combat test (Bad or Zero) the defender can automatically realize a counter-attack.

During combat, any non-surrounded character can take a few steps to reposition themselves or to change their orientation without risking any counter-attack.

A character who flee, who decide to disengage automatically trigger an opportunity attack from any defender opponent, and automatically sustain an the attack of an attacking opponent.

  1. Each player chooses their stance: Attack or Defense, and if they reposition themselves or if they try to flee
  2. Each attacking character realizes a combat test against their target (also attacking or defending)
  3. Each standing character (whose poise is positive) moves the indicated distance

Attack VS Defense

  1. The attacker realizes an attack test (Attack - dice throw)
  2. The defender realizes a defense test (Defense - dice throw)
  3. The difference between the attack test and the defense test represents the result of the attack:
Atk - Def Attacker Defender
Total Failure (< -10) (-3 poise or normal Agility test to not fall) counter-attack (+2 poise)
Bad (-10 … -6) (-2 poise or easy Agility test to not fall) counter-attack (+1 poise)
Blah (-5 … -1) (-1 poise)
So-so (0 … 4) successful attack (-1 poise)
Good (5 … 9) successful attack (+1 poise) (-2 poise or normal Agility test to not fall)
Excellent (>9) successful attack (+2 poise) (-3 poise or hard Agility test to not fall)

Combat test

Attack VS Attack

  1. Both attackers realizes an attack test (Attack - dice throw)
  2. Any successful attack is performed (which could result in the attribution of a death blow to each character)

Focus + Will Test

  • Total Failure: Missed
  • Bad: Missed
  • Blah: Hit tough spot (/2)
  • Not bad: Hit (x1)
  • Good: Hit tender spot (x2)
  • Excellent: Hit weak spot (x3)

While the doubler is not revealed, they must focus to make their second-life appear (the second-life is instantaneous but the focusing isn't). A player can still decide to focus but they will then be an easy target and will sustain opportunity attack. Any attack while controlling a second-life will force the player to succeed another Focus test.

At the end of the combat each character will feel the adrenaline rush vanishing away and will loose Energy.

As a defender can only defend themselves on one side, leaving their back undefended (and can most of the time defend themselves against only one opponent) a good strategy is to surround your opponent while in Defense stance and then Attack in synchronization with your allies.

If two defenders are next to each other they can defend each other against an opponent (both Defense test are auditioned) or one can defend the other who is attacking.

A default size character (dwarf, human, elf and orc) occupies one case and can attack the 8 adjacent cases.

A gnome is considered on the same case as their opponent (if the opponent is of normal size), and can only attack an opponent on the case they occupy.

A troll occupies a 2×2 square and can attack the 12 adjacent cases.

  • start/rpg/combat.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/21 18:26
  • by aretis