

Non-Trainable Characteristics


  • You reach 0 and you die
  • Can be used to keep conscious when you have no more Energy if you succeed in a Stamina test
  • You regain Health by sleeping or with natural or magical healing


  • When you reach 0 you can continue to be conscious only by succeeding in a Stamina test, you will then use your Health (2 for 1) to keep acting
  • Every action consumes Energy, for the same effect, the use of Double-Living capacity consumes more Energy
  • You regain Energy while eating and sleeping, never exceeding the Stamina capacity. Your body will prefer to rebuild your Health before your Energy.
  • A full night (8h) with a full stomach allows you to regain a value equal to 5 plus your Stamina with a ratio of 2:1 in Health first and then 1:1 in Energy


  • Capacity to stay on their feet on the battlefield
  • (Strength+Agility)/4


  • Sum of all the things you carry (weapons, armor, stuff… )
  • If your weight exceed your Strength you suffer an Energy penalty
  • The difference between your Strength and your weight represent potential bonus damage for contact weapons (halved for one hand weapons)

Trainable Characteristics


  1. Basic statistic for all the physical strength related tests
  2. +1 Health
  3. You need a certain amount of Strength to use a weapon: too little and you cannot use it properly, too much and you may break it
  4. You can carry up to your Strength without having energy penalty


  • Basic statistic for all the physical agility related tests, for getting out of a fight and stealth.
  • +1/2 Combat Skill
  • You need to do a Agility test to regain stance once destabilized.


  • Basic statistic for all the senses related tests, foraging and detection
  • +1/2 Combat Skill
  • Stat required for the Reactive stance


  • Capacity to influence others and to resist the influence of others.
  • It is not only the appearance but also the way you comport yourself and you will power.
  • It can be used to intimidate, seduce, negotiate…
  • Negotiation test = Will vs Will
    • Total Failure: ask you to leave and/or call the guard
    • Bad: buy 5/4 - sell 1/3
    • Blah: buy 1 - sell 1/2
    • Not bad: buy 11/12 - sell 3/5
    • Good: buy 5/6 - sell 2/3
    • Excellent: buy 4/5 - sell 4/5


  • Capacity to focus the mind to control your Second-Life capacity.
  • It is not the strength of the capacity but your ability to do what you want with it.
  • Use to stop the canalisation of too voracious spell


  • +1 Energy max
  • A Stamina test is required when you reach 0 Energy to keep being conscious using you own Health to fuel yourself
  • 8h sleep + good meal (1/2 meal for Gnome and 2 meals for Troll) = max Energy
  • Capacity to resist physical and psychological damage (equivalent of Constitution save)

Trainable Skills and masteries

  • Combat Skill (cs) represents your ability to fight and is used for Attack or Defense, it's the mean of Agility and Perception. (see RPG Combat Rules)
  • Weapon mastery represents your ability to fight with a specific type of weapon (see Weapons)
  • Second-Life mastery represents your capacities and mastery of your second-life (see Double-Life)

Competence test

You subtract a dice throw from the corresponding characteristics (a high characteristic and a low dice throw are good). You then add the difficulty modifier (easy -5, normal 0, difficult +5), and the qualitative result is given by:

  1. Total Failure: < -10
  2. Bad: -10 … -6
  3. Blah: -5 … -1
  4. Not bad: 0 … 4
  5. Good: 5 … 9
  6. Excellent: >9

The test can be with advantage (or disadvantage), in wich case, you throw twice and take the best (or worst) roll.


Each character start with base characteristics which represent the genetic biases. Through their life the character will earn experience which will increase their characteristics. The xp cost increase with each bonus point of characteristics, 1 xp for +1, then 2 more xp for replacing +1 by +2, then 3 more xp for replacing +2 by +3, … This follows formula:

characteristic bonus = Int((Sqrt(1 + 8*xp)-1)/2).

For example a troll with 10 base strength and 6 point of xp in strength will have a strength of 13 while a gnome with base strength 3 and 6 points of xp will get a strength of 6.

The player will create a character which already has some experiences, which means that during character creation some xp points will be given to the player to distribute at will.

  • start/rpg/characteristics.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/27 18:34
  • by aretis