Table of Contents


RPG characteristics

  • Strength: 3 + 3D2
  • Agility: 2 + 3D2
  • Perception: 5 + 3D2
  • Will: 3 + 3D2
  • Focus: 3 + 3D2
  • Stamina: 3 + 3D2
  • Health: 5
  • Energy: 5
  • Size: 3'7“-4'7”
  • Base Dice: 3D6


The underground outline of the Mountain.

Language characteristic

Dwarves use common tools or actions linked to crafting as first name. They use as surname the name of their clan, which is not always linked to blood lineage.


Being very close to their tools and what they craft, they have developed a very ingenuous system of pylons, the Keep-out-of-my-space. Once correctly installed around the room (or any space), the dwarf is automatically informed when someone enter inside the perimeter.


Had to work in the clan business, little time for themselves. The adventure may be a way to explore the world. ever ask Dwarves if they can do it. Rarely out of their underground workshop, someone still need to test the new prototype. Outside, a Dwarves prefer to sleep in their Knapsack, it's like a piece of home.

All children belongs to the community and are taken care of by the Education clan until they show some predisposition to one of the other clan, often between 10-14 year-old. Then, they are being taken care of by the clan where they start their job training. The only family of a Dwarves is their clan. They often live in couple but the procreation is strictly controlled. There are nothing worse for a dwarf to be ostracized by their clan.

The twelves clans:

