Table of Contents

Cultural Setting



The day (12h of sunlight) is divided in the sun's two turn in the sky: first turn and second turn. Each turn being divided in four quarter-turn.



The money is composed of metal dice with the signet if each race coined on the different faces. Each die is made of an alloy of a rare metal with magic property. There are 4 different materials for the dice:

  1. copper: detect magic
  2. silver: impervious to magic
  3. gold: store magic
  4. platinum: nullify magic

There are of course other alloys with different magic property. 60 dice of the lower metal worth one die of the upper metal.


Each Race as is own governing system:

The are currently two political sides:

The Association: the research, craft and sell of new technologies, with a majority of Human, Dwarf and Gnome, also called the City side.

Moto: The future is onward.

A famous proverb says: Put a Human, a Dwarf and a Gnome in the same room for one minute, and next thing you know, you can buy a pair of flying shoes.

The Family: the understanding of each other, of the fauna, of the flora and of all the nature of the land, also called the Home side. It is mostly composed of elves, trolls and orcs.

Moto: Understand before you act.
