Table of Contents


Æons are godlike sentient beings born from the living beings' faith. The first letter of their name is in bold capital.

Gramatical particularity

Their pronoun is æ1) which is pronounced /æ/ like in cat or hat. As an example, instead of it as in:

it is laughing - I called it - its eyes gleam - that is its - it likes itself;

you use:

æ is laughing - I called æ - æs eyes gleam - that is æs - æ likes æself.

The 6 Æons Rules

The 12 Major Æons

The 12 Major Æons are listed in order of their corresponding month in the calendar, it is not a power ranking.

Month Names Race dominance Mantra Feeling
1 Growth/Life Gnome With time and dedication everything can be better. Alive
2 Proactivity/Valor/Strength Gnome Do it yourself! Vigor
3 Knowledge/Discovery Human With knowledge comes understanding and with understanding comes control and peace. Curious
4 Liberty/Freedom Human Write your own path! Free
5 Nature Orc Nature provides everything, take care of it and it will take care of you. Fresh
6 Passion/Pleasure/Bliss Orc Only what you feel is true. Pleasant
7 Balance/Justice/Equity Elf Everything has a cost. Everything has a reward. Safe
8 Compassion/Benevolence/Altruism Troll Help others when they need it and they will help you when you need it. Empathy
9 Bonding/Unity/Connection Troll Whatever you do for yourself dies with you, memories you forged in others live on. Love
10 Destiny/Fate Dwarf Each one has a destiny to fulfill, you just need to follow it. Purpose
11 Perfection/Beauty Dwarf Through true perfection you will find eternity. Beauty
12 Serenity/Composure Elf You have no control over your emotions. Feel them, understand them, and let them go. Serenity

1)|Third person pronoun gender-neutral in English