Table of Contents


Non-Trainable Characteristics





Trainable Characteristics


  1. Basic statistic for all the physical strength related tests
  2. +1 Health
  3. You need a certain amount of Strength to use a weapon: too little and you cannot use it properly, too much and you may break it
  4. You can carry up to your Strength without having energy penalty






Trainable Skills and masteries

Competence test

You subtract a dice throw from the corresponding characteristics (a high characteristic and a low dice throw are good). You then add the difficulty modifier (easy -5, normal 0, difficult +5), and the qualitative result is given by:

  1. Total Failure: < -10
  2. Bad: -10 … -6
  3. Blah: -5 … -1
  4. Not bad: 0 … 4
  5. Good: 5 … 9
  6. Excellent: >9

The test can be with advantage (or disadvantage), in wich case, you throw twice and take the best (or worst) roll.


Each character start with base characteristics which represent the genetic biases. Through their life the character will earn experience which will increase their characteristics. The xp cost increase with each bonus point of characteristics, 1 xp for +1, then 2 more xp for replacing +1 by +2, then 3 more xp for replacing +2 by +3, … This follows formula:

characteristic bonus = Int((Sqrt(1 + 8*xp)-1)/2).

For example a troll with 10 base strength and 6 point of xp in strength will have a strength of 13 while a gnome with base strength 3 and 6 points of xp will get a strength of 6.

The player will create a character which already has some experiences, which means that during character creation some xp points will be given to the player to distribute at will.