Table of Contents

Character Creation

Pick the Race

Race Strength Agility Perception Will Focus Stamina Racial Bonus Size
Dwarf 3 + 3D2 2 + 3D2 5 + 3D2 3 + 3D2 3 + 3D2 3 + 3D2 Pylons: Can detect someone crossing the bondaries formed by their pylons 3'7“-4'7”
Elf 3 + 1D4 6 + 1D4 6 + 1D4 7 + 1D4 5 + 1D4 4 + 1D4 Digipathy: Can share their mind with the touch of their palm 5'10“-6'7”
Gnome 2 + 1D3 8 + 2D6 5 + 1D3 5 + 1D3 5 + 1D3 4 + 1D3 Knapsack: Can store a large amount of stuff without weight restriction 2'10“-3'11”
Human 4 + 1D4 5 + 1D4 5 + 1D4 5 + 1D4 7 + 1D4 5 + 1D4 Waystones: Can use the waystones to teleport a group of persons for free 5'7“-6'3”
Orc 5 + 1D6 4 + 1D6 4 + 1D6 3 + 1D6 3 + 1D6 6 + 1D6 Resilience: Devloppes resilience to elements and hazard 5'3“-6'7”
Troll 8 + 2D6 3 + 1D3 5 + 1D3 6 + 1D3 2 + 1D3 5 + 1D3 Tele-empathy: Senses other feelings from a short distance 6'10“-8'2”

After rolling the dice for each characteristic, the sum base value being 46, you get a bonus or malus starting raw xp equal to 46 minus your sum.

Pick the Dice

You are not bound to choose the dice corresponding to your race but in that case, your character does not have a usual mentality for their race.

Dice Description Associated with Critical Fumble Probability
D20 Good old days None 1 20 5%
D12 + D8 Spicy, but not to much Gnomes 2 20 ~1%
3D6 I don't like surprises Dwarves 3 18 ~0.5%
11 +/- 2D4 I'm kind of bipolar Elves 2 20 ~2%
D100 % 2D20 + 1 I feel lucky Orcs 1 >23 ~6%
D10 * D3 Fuck it! Trolls 1 30 ~3%
|2D12 - D6| + 1 I'm quick at math Humans 1 >20 ~1%

Pick the Second-Life

You play a doubler and you get to choose your Second-Life which grants you magic ability. See Double-Life for more details.

At which level do you start?

The Raw Xp to Assign should follow the lore of the character and should be assigned as evenly as possible (as Effingdurn's training would focus on each important aspect of a Doubler's life).

Title Starting Xp for second-life Age Starting raw Xp to assign Starting base gear (equivalent dice) Specificity
1 Novice 1 10-16 +1 0 Learning to control their abilities. Should not leave Effingdurn!
2 Initiate 3 11-18 +15 1g Devlop their abilities. Should not leave Effingdurn!
3 Apprentice 6 12-20 +30 3g Under the supervision of their master
4 Adept 10 20-30 +50 6g Have left their master. Work in group.
5 Revealed 15 20-40 +75 12g Their Second-Life is visible from everyone
6 Companion 21 40-60 +85 30g Can work solo.
7 Master 28 60+ +140 1p Can have Apprentice.

Family Wealth

You throw a D100:

Race Poor Basic Well Bearing Wealthy
Gnome 100-61 60-46 45-6 5-1
Dwarf 100-71 70-41 40-4 3-1
Human/Elf 100-76 76-26 25-3 2-1
Orc/Troll 100-81 21-80 20-2 1
Starting Experience +22 +18 +14 +10
Pocket Money 10D6c 1D6s 10D6s 1D6g
Starting equipment1) maximal rarity (total price) No Bonus Dice Common (+1g) Uncommon (+10g) Epic (+30g)
Skills 2 survival skills 1 survival skill 1 high society skill 2 high society skills
Knowledge 2 survival knowledge 1 survival knowledge 1 knowledge 2 high society knowledges

Example of youth



Well Bearing


Choose the past experience

You have a certain amount of xp points to use to educate your character given your level of education.

no more than two weapons and one set of armor