====== Physical Setting ====== This section present the different element of physical lore of the world of Kunsan. ===== Astronomical ===== {{ :sun_chart.png?400|Sun trajectory in the sky along the 6 days of the week }} * Kunsan has no moon but the starlight intensity is similar to the Earth's full moon. (//due to the fact that Kunsan's solar system is closer to the center of the galaxy.//) * There is no North/South/East/Ouest, [[:start:setting:places:mountain|the Mountain]] being visible from mostly anywhere, the directions are: to the Mountain, back from the Mountain, left of the Mountain (while looking at it) and right of the Mountain. * A day corresponds to 24h: 12 hours during which the sun rises and sets, and 12 hours for the night. The lengths of the daylight and nighttime do not change through the year. * A week is 6 days (see link below for a interesting implementation of 6-day week on Earth[(https://calendars.wikia.org/wiki/6-Day_Week_Solar_Calendar_with_common_Muslim/Christian_weekend)]). Each day the sunset and sunrise positions in the horizon are shift by 1/6 turn, so in one week they retrieve their initial position. The sunrise and sunset are always at the same time of the day. (//The world and its double are a double planet and rotate around their barycenter, one rotation in 6 days. Due to its shapes the world keeps the same face toward the sun, and thus never see its double in the opposite face. Compared to earth, where it is the earth own rotation which creates days. The world rotate around itself in the mountain axis, the radial axis of the double planet orbit, at the speed of 5h45min/turn or 25 turns in a week. //) * A year is divided in 12 months of 5 weeks, regrouped in 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. * A year is 360 days, or 60 weeks, or 12 months, or 4 seasons. The year start at the morrow of the coldest day, day four of the 8th week of winter. (//The world and its double, orbits around the sun in a ellipsoid orbit with eccentricity e=0.5, which creates seasons, compared to Earth where it is the angle (23°) of the axe of rotation which creates the seasons.//)