====== Æons ====== Æons are godlike sentient beings born from the living beings' faith. The first letter of their name is in bold capital. ===== Gramatical particularity ===== Their pronoun is æ[(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-person_pronoun|Third person pronoun gender-neutral in English)] which is pronounced /æ/ like in cat or hat. As an example, instead of __it__ as in: it is laughing - I called it - its eyes gleam - that is its - it likes itself; you use: æ is laughing - I called æ - æs eyes gleam - that is æs - æ likes æself. ===== The 6 Æons Rules ===== * They do not lie to you, //Faith comes from truth// * They see you as you are * They can only act on the world trough you * They need your faith * They cannot do everything, they do not know everything but they can be everywhere * They will help you if your faith is strong enough ===== The 12 Major Æons ===== The 12 Major Æons are listed in order of their corresponding month in the calendar, it is not a power ranking. ^ Month ^ Names ^ Race dominance ^ Mantra ^ Feeling ^ | 1 | **G**rowth/**L**ife | Gnome | With time and dedication everything can be better. | Alive | | 2 | **P**roactivity/**V**alor/**S**trength | Gnome | Do it yourself! | Vigor | | 3 | **K**nowledge/**D**iscovery | Human | With knowledge comes understanding and with understanding comes control and peace. | Curious | | 4 | **L**iberty/**F**reedom | Human | Write your own path! | Free | | 5 | **N**ature | Orc | Nature provides everything, take care of it and it will take care of you. | Fresh | | 6 | **P**assion/**P**leasure/**B**liss | Orc | Only what you feel is true. | Pleasant | | 7 | **B**alance/**J**ustice/**E**quity | Elf | Everything has a cost. Everything has a reward. | Safe | | 8 | **C**ompassion/**B**enevolence/**A**ltruism | Troll | Help others when they need it and they will help you when you need it. | Empathy | | 9 | **B**onding/**U**nity/**C**onnection | Troll | Whatever you do for yourself dies with you, memories you forged in others live on. | Love | | 10 | **D**estiny/**F**ate | Dwarf | Each one has a destiny to fulfill, you just need to follow it. | Purpose | | 11 | **P**erfection/**B**eauty | Dwarf | Through true perfection you will find eternity. | Beauty | | 12 | **S**erenity/**C**omposure | Elf | You have no control over your emotions. Feel them, understand them, and let them go. | Serenity |