====== Travel ====== The travels is determined in days of travels between to points. In basic pace on a good road, a group of walking player travel one day worth of travel during 8 hours (approximately 30 miles). They can decide in which pace they travel. The players need to eat and sleep to regain their Energy(([[https://theangrygm.com/getting-there-is-half-the-fun/|https://theangrygm.com/getting-there-is-half-the-fun/]])). ===== Pace ===== ^ Pace ^ Speed ^ Foraging ^ Detection ^ Stealth ^ Energy ^ | Slow pace | 66% | | +3 | +3 | 6 | | Basic pace | 100% | -2 | | | 9 | | Fast pace | 133% | -4 | -3 | -3 | 12 | ==== Foraging ==== By actively doing foraging (Perception test) the player can find food. ==== Detection ==== Players can passively detect an encounter (Perception test). ==== Stealth ==== Difficulty for others to detect (Perception test) the group of players. ===== Encounters ===== There are three types of possible encounters: === Dangerous Encounters === The level of menace of an area decide if you will find dangerous monster or deadly traps - safe - dangerous frontier - enemy territory - regularly patrolled, extremely hostile territory - filled with monsters that are actively trying to destroy all intruders and can detect the intruders with supernatural means The GM throw 6 dices for the Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Dusk, Midnight, Predawn, for each dice inferior to the menace level of the area their will be an hostile possible encounter but the players may not detect the menace and the menace may not detect the players either. === Safe Encounters === The population of the area defined if you will encounter other people - deserted area - unfriendly area - friendly area === Discovery Encounters === The land can hide many mysteries waiting for an adventurer to find - inhabited area - uninhabited area - Mystical area