====== Character Creation ====== ===== Pick the Race ===== ^ Race ^ Strength ^ Agility ^ Perception ^ Will ^ Focus ^ Stamina ^ Racial Bonus ^ Size ^ | [[start:setting:races:dwarf|Dwarf]] | 3 + 3D2 | 2 + 3D2 | 5 + 3D2 | 3 + 3D2 | 3 + 3D2 | 3 + 3D2 | [[start:setting:magic:pylons|Pylons]]: Can detect someone crossing the bondaries formed by their pylons | 3'7“-4'7” | | [[start:setting:races:elf|Elf]] | 3 + 1D4 | 6 + 1D4 | 6 + 1D4 | 7 + 1D4 | 5 + 1D4 | 4 + 1D4 | [[start:setting:magic:digipathy|Digipathy]]: Can share their mind with the touch of their palm | 5'10"-6'7" | | [[start:setting:races:gnome|Gnome]] | 2 + 1D3 | 8 + 2D6 | 5 + 1D3 | 5 + 1D3 | 5 + 1D3 | 4 + 1D3 | [[start:setting:magic:knapsack|Knapsack]]: Can store a large amount of stuff without weight restriction | 2'10"-3'11" | | [[start:setting:races:human|Human]] | 4 + 1D4 | 5 + 1D4 | 5 + 1D4 | 5 + 1D4 | 7 + 1D4 | 5 + 1D4 | [[start:setting:magic:waystones|Waystones]]: Can use the waystones to teleport a group of persons for free | 5'7"-6'3" | | [[start:setting:races:orc|Orc]] | 5 + 1D6 | 4 + 1D6 | 4 + 1D6 | 3 + 1D6 | 3 + 1D6 | 6 + 1D6 | [[start:setting:magic:resilience|Resilience]]: Devloppes resilience to elements and hazard | 5'3"-6'7" | | [[start:setting:races:troll|Troll]] | 8 + 2D6 | 3 + 1D3 | 5 + 1D3 | 6 + 1D3 | 2 + 1D3 | 5 + 1D3 | [[start:setting:magic:tele-empathy|Tele-empathy]]: Senses other feelings from a short distance | 6'10"-8'2" | After rolling the dice for each characteristic, the sum base value being 46, you get a bonus or malus starting raw xp equal to 46 minus your sum. ===== Pick the Dice ===== You are not bound to choose the dice corresponding to your race but in that case, your character does not have a usual mentality for their race. ^ Dice ^ Description ^ Associated with ^ Critical ^ Fumble ^ Probability ^ | **D20** | //Good old days// | None | 1 | 20 | 5% | | **D12 + D8** | //Spicy, but not to much// | Gnomes | 2 | 20 | ~1% | | **3D6** | //I don't like surprises// | Dwarves | 3 | 18 | ~0.5% | | **11 +/- 2D4** | //I'm kind of bipolar// | Elves | 2 | 20 | ~2% | | **D100 % 2D20 + 1** | //I feel lucky// | Orcs | 1 | >23 | ~6% | | **D10 * D3** | //Fuck it!// | Trolls | 1 | 30 | ~3% | | **|2D12 - D6| + 1** | //I'm quick at math// | Humans | 1 | >20 | ~1% | {{ :start:rpg:distributions.png?nolink&820 |}} {{ :start:rpg:results.png?nolink&820 |}} ===== Pick the Second-Life ===== You play a doubler and you get to choose your Second-Life which grants you magic ability. See [[start:rpg:double_life|Double-Life]] for more details. ==== At which level do you start? ==== The Raw Xp to Assign should follow the lore of the character and should be assigned as evenly as possible (as Effingdurn's training would focus on each important aspect of a Doubler's life). ^ ^ Title ^ Starting Xp for second-life ^ Age ^ Starting raw Xp to assign ^ Starting base gear (equivalent dice) ^ Specificity ^ | 1 | Novice | 1 | 10-16 | +1 | 0 | Learning to control their abilities. Should not leave Effingdurn! | | 2 | Initiate | 3 | 11-18 | +15 | 1g | Devlop their abilities. Should not leave Effingdurn! | | 3 | Apprentice| 6 | 12-20 | +30 | 3g | Under the supervision of their master | | 4 | Adept | 10 | 20-30 | +50 | 6g | Have left their master. Work in group. | | 5 | Revealed | 15 | 20-40 | +75 | 12g | Their Second-Life is visible from everyone | | 6 | Companion | 21 | 40-60 | +85 | 30g | Can work solo. | | 7 | Master | 28 | 60+ | +140 | 1p | Can have Apprentice. | ===== Family Wealth ===== You throw a D100: ^ Race ^ Poor ^ Basic ^ Well Bearing ^ Wealthy ^ | Gnome | 100-61 | 60-46 | 45-6 | 5-1 | | Dwarf | 100-71 | 70-41 | 40-4 | 3-1 | | Human/Elf | 100-76 | 76-26 | 25-3 | 2-1 | | Orc/Troll | 100-81 | 21-80 | 20-2 | 1 | | Starting Experience | +22 | +18 | +14 | +10 | | Pocket Money | 10D6c | 1D6s | 10D6s | 1D6g | | Starting equipment((no more than two weapons and one set of armor)) maximal rarity (total price) | No Bonus Dice | Common (+1g) | Uncommon (+10g) | Epic (+30g) | | Skills | 2 survival skills | 1 survival skill | 1 high society skill | 2 high society skills | | Knowledge | 2 survival knowledge | 1 survival knowledge | 1 knowledge | 2 high society knowledges | ==== Example of youth ==== Poor * You do not know how to comport in high society. * You passed your childhood helping on the farm or stealing/begging in the street. * You are an orphan. * You are very close to a sick parent. * Being a [[start:setting:double_life|doubler]] is the opportunity of your life to seek fortune. Basic * Basic life with your family, helping them but also playing with other children, going outside, ... Well Bearing * Your family is well-bearing not because of an old legacy of wealth but because they are hard-workers. * Your family owns a successful forge, shop, workshop, … * You know your job but not much else. Being a double-living is your occasion to see everything else. Wealthy * You passed your childhood being tutored in various fields but you rarely went outside of the domain. * Your parents do not want you to waste their money and your life to go on adventures. Apart from the money you stole/gathered, you won't get more from your family and will need to avoid being caught and repatriated at home. ===== Choose the past experience ===== You have a certain amount of xp points to use to educate your character given your level of education.