
Welcome to Kunsan!

Visualize the biggest mountain you can… Done? Good. Well, Kunsan's central mountain (simply called the Mountain) is way bigger than this. WAY BIGGER! You can basically see it from everywhere.

You want something more fun! The Sun doesn't simply go from one side to the opposite side (that would be too mainstream) but instead spirals in the sky, doing two whole turns in one day, and (as the Mountain is really big) you get (for free) a Mountainous eclipse mostly twice a day everywhere on Kunsan.

The downside of all this, there is no Moon. (Yeah, I know, what a bummer, no werewolf, and all that romantic stuff about a ball of rock floating in the sky).

So, what is that interesting about a couple of eclipses? Goblins! I will say. Why? Because Goblins fear the sunlight (they basically disintegrate in a few breaths due to an old and nasty curse). This makes eclipse the perfect time to rampage on innocent farmers (or adventurers having a good after-lunch rest). And more than that, their Æon (some sort of God but not really), Conquest, can teleport them wherever æ want!

Wait! How a peaceful civilization can grow if Goblins can attack at any time there is no sunlight? I'll tell you, it's simple. Conquest is not the only Æon, the people of Kunsan (a.k.a. Kunsani) also have their own Æons (twelve of them to be precise). The Church uses relics to protect every village, town, and city with a sacred-shield that prevents Conquest from sending æs minions. (Obviously, æ can just send them a few feet from the sacred-shield, but Goblins are not the smartest creatures, and a good wall and a couple of not-so-blind archers can do the trick.)

Lucky for you, Goblins are not the only thorn in the side of your everyday farmer, there are also monsters (remnants of the Æonique War). Luckily they are few and mostly stay dormant at the base of the Mountain. But from time to time one of them wakes up and decides to feed on whatever it likes. That's where the Doublers Guild comes in handy.

Ah, yes, I forgot to present the Doublers. My bad…

One in a thousand kunsani develops magical abilities during their teenage years (often triggered by a stressful event). Their magical aptitude also comes with the apparition of another voice in their head emanating from a second conscience (called the second-life). The first-life (you) and the second-life grow together and evolve your magical abilities together. Doublers live twice as long as singlers (non-magical users) and have a vigorous metabolism that makes them hard to kill. As such, they are the perfect monster hunters.

They had been revered as heroes for ages till the most infamous doubler, Grovethrive, had annihilated foes, friends, and civilians alike in an outburst of power that consumed him entirely and put an end to the Last War, two centuries ago. Since then, doublers have been considered blood-cursed. Who hunts monsters is bound to become one, as the saying goes.

Only Psiros, the Bright Sun, had gotten some form of appreciation for saving whole villages from Conquest’s wrath during the past century. Unfortunately, his heroism hadn’t been enough to clean Grovethrive’s taint. The doublers were still isolated on Effingdurn, an island far away in the City-side sea, and would only come to the mainland to deal with an official request (i.e., a quest).

You are fresh adepts of the Doublers' Guild ready for their first (unsupervised) quest on the mainland!

  • start.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/23 16:15
  • by aretis